Monday, February 7, 2011

Mellow Yellow... QUITE RIGHT

Can I just ask why people still follow the "if its yellow, let it mellow"? philosophy? I have never understood it. I mean... i GET it. Save water etc etc etc. But in a world of low flow toilets, why do people still do it? The thing i enjoy is, you are never surprised when a household does it. I have never been to a mansion or nice condo and seen that happen. Thats not the type... but I think we all know that if you are in a house that composts or saves coffee grounds... RED FLAG! There is a chance you may see an Oh Henry in Lemonade.

A good friend of mine plays a hippy and "earthy" character and his best line is "If its yellow, let it mellow. If its brown, scoop it up with your hands and put it in the compost". It always makes me laugh extremely hard.

I always forget about things to write about when I actually sit down to write. Every day I think and see things that I think.... OOO I should put that in my blog. I should get myself a little pad of paper or something. I would likely forget it at home. Thats how I work. Even with that, I dont understand the odd phrases like "If your head wasnt attached you'd loose it"... really? I doubt it! "If you were going any slower you would be going backwards" THAT DOESNT MAKE SENSE! You would stop.

I have been writing my new one man show and its going well. Cutting out bits, fixing some. etc etc. Its nice to work on it. Nothing like a 60 minute rant about whatever i like. Its as if its a dream come true. And I have news about that show but I wont be sharing it until this weekend. Why? You will see! CALM DOWN! RELAX!

I have a couch! thats exciting! Its black! Its actually a futon. but it means I dont need to sit on the floor like a hobo! Now I get to sit... i dunno... 8inches? Though lets be honest.... if a man estimates it at 8 inches it's likely closer to 4. lets be honest... Im sitting on the floor

I will end with this. Christina Aguilera sang the american national anthem at the super bowl. And got the words wrong... in front of 150 million americans... what was the worst thing that happened to you yesterday?

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