Tuesday, November 23, 2010

November 23 - Fucking Liar!


A peek into my darker side today.

I have for a long time been known as a bit of a womanizer. I really enjoy women. I like spending time with them in all of their womanly glory. THATS RIGHT! I said womanly glory. Now fortunately, almost all of the rumors are lies, though some I wish werent! If I could live half the life I do in my rumors I would be very happy... and quite possibly dead.

I don't know why I am talking about this now, but I just wanted to. I have done some bad things as a boyfriend. I have lied and I have cheated. I would never raise a hand to ANY woman, but other things I have done have hurt far more than that ever would. I had a bad break up about a year and a half ago and it caused me to re evaluate myself. I am, though it can be tough, an open and honest person. I tell people what I feel and try and express myself better. I didnt realize what an all over effect it would have, but I have never felt better. One day I will write a book about all of my likes and escapades and people will need to read it. Half will say this guy has done alot!!! and the other half will say, THATS ALL?

Tonight I did a stand up set in east toronto. It was a new room and I was first up which is always tough, but it went well. I did some old stuff and some new stuff and had a nice mix I think. The crowd seemed to enjoy me and thats really what counts. I hope that the host will have me back again sometime soon.

I am in the midst of trying to find a place in Toronto for january and MAN is it tough. There are so many and so few at the exact same time! I think we need to settle on a few things though people. Furnished does not mean an apartment with your old shit in it. Its a nicely furnished place. SECONDLY. Stop trying to sell a basement bachelor with no light as a cosy studio. Its not! Its cold and its under your house! Im 6'7 I cant live in a basement! I would die. Local comedian Mike Delamont died today after a swift blow to the head from a house support beam.

A friend of mine and i were talking the other day about goals and work. He is a very funny performer and for me to see him on TV or in movies someday soon would NOT be a surprise. He and I agreed that we both try to be humble and nice when it comes to comedy but that there is a growing part inside that says I WANT TO BE THE BIGGEST FUCKING THING THIS WHOLE PLACE HAS EVER SEEN!!!!! but as gentlemen and non-douches we try to keep that quiet. Many people say that Im on the right track, but fucked if I know what that is. I suppose just work hard and shut up! And by that i mean just work hard and talk alot... but be funny.

I hope you realize by now that I try to have a theme to my blogs. the last few days I have been so tired when I write them that I basically just bitch and moan instead of add in the funny or interesting parts. Im sorry. Since starting the new job I have had to start getting up before noon but my body isnt tired until about 3am, so when my alarm goes off in the morning my body kinda says... what the hell?!?!

But tomorrow I have a free night! WOOT people... woot. I think i will see a movie. I think maybe harry P. or to enter into the same world as all of my gay friends, maybe i will see Burlesque the new Sher movie... though I say I wont... i will. Maybe not tomorrow.... but soon.... and in theatres. OH! The other day when I say 127 Hours, a couple came late and started to walk up my aisle. And you know when that happens you just roll the dice and hope that they dont sit close to you. They did. Right behind me! And talked through the whole fucking film! I wish I had farted to scare them off before they sat down. Not to imply that my farts scare people, but who chooses to sit next to a farty guy? NOBODY.

Odd note to end on. BUT I WILL!

I will be clever and funnier from now on.



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