Hello All,
As this blog is available to anybody in the world I will start by saying Hello, my name is Mike. Im an actor/comedian/singer/other now living in the wonderful and large city of Toronto Ontario.
In this blog you can read about what is going on with me on a day to day basis. Once upon a time a very pretty girl told me that the only reason a person writes a blog is because they want it to eventually be turned into a book or a movie. This blog will not become a book as I am unable to sit and create something that will take longer than a few weeks to put together. This blog will also not be made into a movie because, among more realistic reasons, i refuse to let somebody else play the role of Mike Delamont, and at current, I am 60lbs to heavy to play him on the silver screen. touche world. Touche.
Once a manager told me that, in anger and/or frustration, I tend to let out how I really feel about things and in doing so partially burn bridges. So in the Blog I will strive to conceal names of places and corporations that I may not have the nicest things to say about. I think thats silly... but as an out of work performer... well I can't really run the risk of offending! At least not until this baby gets turned into a movie! AM I RIGHT?!
So it was a week ago today that I moved from the medium sized city of Victoria, BC and made my move the Big Smoke to try and make it as an actor. Now saying you want to be a successful actor is like saying you want to be a drop of water in the ocean, but none the less its the dream/fantasy/goal.
A lot of people have asked me what the difference is between the 2 cities, and other than the population, the smog and the fact that nobody smiles, there isn't much of a change. So far I have seen almost a half dozen small comedy shows and tried my very best to get out there and meet and greet local people in the hopes of landing an audition or hell even 5 minutes of stage time. My first night I saw a wonderful 4 hander improv show which i was so amazed wasn't sold out! A group of comedians who worked so seamlessly together that it appeared almost staged, but in a really amazing way. The talent was overwhelming and grew in my mind even more the following night when I saw a different show with, lets just say, lesser talents. On my second night here in order to try and get on a comedy stage i went to a small club. I got in for free because im a performer and soon learned that there would be 10 stand ups, but it appeared there would only be about 8 audience members. I asked the guy how I could get on the stage and he went on to explain an application process i can only assume is equal to NASA. But I've applied, so I suppose we shall see! On a side note 2 were funny and 8 were not. And it was the last 2 that were funny. If you are counting thats almost 80 minutes of awkward laughs before actual talent. It was rough.
The best part of the night was when i went into the bathroom and saw an ad at the urinal for PORSCHE that read "You know you want one" and in my head I said yes of course I want one you dick! But we all came to this bar because the beer is $3! I think you are advertising to the wrong market my friend! Why dont you go advertise that new condo tower to the local shelter, i know those guys TOTALLY want a home!
It has been exactly 7 days since my day 1 in Toronto and I figured I should write a blog to tell you how its all going. I just tried to re cap the last week in this blog but will be longer and more specific in the future. If I don't write every day then send me an email and tell me Im lazy. And hey if you're already sending an email, why not throw in anything you'd like to hear about in the blog! I really have nothing else to do! Oh, and just so I can deal with this at once, don't say to me Hey! I know somebody in the entertainment business in Toronto... want me to tell them you're there? Maybe Introduce you? THE ANSWER IS ALWAYS GOING TO BE YES! And in that vein, to those few who, out of the blue, have helped without my begging, thank you so much! and to those MANY who promised to make calls or internet and/or live introductions and just never did... thanks so much!
BLOG 1 DONE. Please tell your friends!
Love Always,
Mike Delamont
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
mike delamont,
stand up,
Toronto ON,
Victoria BC
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Great start Mike and I wish you the best. I will try to keep up with what's happening on your side of the country.
I am very glad to hear that 80 percent of the comedians in Toronto aren't funny.