Friday, November 12, 2010

November 12

SO here we are. Day 3 of the blog!

Last night I went to a local comedy club to see if I could get on stage for a set. I was told that they were full but I could try my luck with the lottery slots. So I threw my name on a list and watched the show. It was an alright show. Some comics were very very good and some other... very very bad. I was called from the lottery and did just 5 minutes (If you ask any of my co performers, they will say that me on stage for just 5 minutes is either a miracle or a lie... so you decide) I did the 5 minutes, got some good laughs out of an audiences mostly full of other comics. This morning when I woke up from my slumber I was happy to find an email in my inbox (Where else would it be? The floor?) that was the host asking if I would come back for an official spot in January. So. Good news! Yay!

readers, may we talk? excellent. Gather around. Im an adult. YES I KNOW. its hard to believe. and in toronto I am subletting a place from a lovely girl named Kim. I have lovely roommates and a balcony with a view of the CN Tower (which i keep calling the Space Needle much to the anger of people) and in this wonderful, warm, and large room is a bed. NOW, its not technically a bed... its a futon. A futon on a shitty wood plank frame. Now if I had the tiny frame of Kim, then it could possibly be the greatest bed ever. As it stands, I feel like im laying on a park bench with cotton badding on it! Its brutal. Im used to having a bed where my feet hang off the end but this is crazy!

Today I was planning to go and see the amazing CBC museum, but didn't. Im easily distracted. I think.

What was I talking about?

The other day i visited a place called HONEST ED'S which is basically just an expensive dollar store with clothing and food. My mom always talked about Honest Eds from when she was living in Toronto in her 20's back in 19... 92. (love you mom) And so when I stumbled upon it the other day I went in. This is an enormous store. On some levels you have to go up to the third level to get to something down on the second level on the other side of the building. Im not going to lie people. I got lost in a department store. I ended up going in a circle trying to find my way out. The third time I went through "electronics" I said out loud "Are You Fucking Kidding Me?". OH! And in the electronics section they have a section for discount VHS. $0.25 per tape. And what tape fills up 75% of the section? Blair Witch Project. NICE. VERY nice. With a few tears and a great deal of frustration I have stumbled my was out of the store.

For those of you who may be fans of my stuff I have just begun to write a solo show called GOD IS A SCOTTISH DRAG QUEEN that will star one of my favorite characters, GOD. I will let you know more when I know more.

Thanks for reading!

Please tell your friends and if you have questions or comments don't hesitate to email!

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