Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 12 - Big City Comedy and those who love it.

Hello and welcome!

Today we talk about many things. What will they be? I have no idea. To be honest most days as I see something that I think would do well in a blog I think to myself "That would do well in a blog!" and then by the time i sit down and actually write the blog... well its gone for good. Unless its seeing a pimp on the street, that kind of stuff stays around forever.

Today was a day off for me! It was great! Did I sleep in? NO! My body apparently hates me. Not only did it wake me up just before nine but It also woke me up just before nine with a dose of OH MY GOD IM LATE FOR WORK!!! that was unfunny. So I sent out some emails. Watch some TV, drifted back to sleep and then got my ass out of bed and went to see a movie. What do I love more than going to see a movie? That would be going to see a new movie in an empty theatre. Today I went and watched the new Narnia movie. There are 7 books in that series and I have no idea if they have plans to make all 7, I have enjoyed the first 3 very much. Something that I find interesting is when films with a message are made in the mainstream world. This particular film has underlying religious tones in regards to Christ and what it means to live when somebody has died so that you can do so. In this newest incarnation of the Narnia series this message is spoon fed to the audience in one particular scene. Other than that the film is touching, sweet, and entertaining. Walden Media, in its mandate of films for the whole family runs the risk of religious content dominating its films, but normally keeps it to a dull roar. One of my favorite films was religulous, the bill Maher documentary on religion. I loved the film and recommend it to anybody who preaches the gospel of "I dont know". The only fault in this film is that the last 5 minutes of the film are painfully preachy calling into question the conceit of the entire film. Nonetheless... excellent film.

Tonight I went to YukYuks for the very first time. I went because one of my favorite comedians was performing. Ryan Belleville is a fantastic comedian who easily blends planned scripted bits and improv. I have been a fan of his for years now and it was really nice to see him live. Its interesting to me that, back in BC, many people say that Yuk Yuks and second city are no longer what they used to be. Having gone to many of the places in town that specialize in comedy and sketch, I would say that the best in town happen to be those 2 companies. Second City impressed me a lot, and tonight of the 5 comedians and 1 headliner, 1 was amazing, 1 was very good, and 4 were pretty funny. And, of the 6, having 6 be at least "pretty funny" is a huge step up from other places in town. Now, Im certainly not saying that the places are bad, but that some of the comedians who get regular work... I just dont understand why. I would be a very happy man if I could get my foot in the door of either Yuks or Second City... I suppose I shall try and we shall see... WHO KNOWS

Tonight one of the comedians asked who in the audience was in a relationship, and a those people either put up their hands or wooted. Then her asked who was single and the girl in front of me put up her hand and then turned to the guy she was with and said "You'd better put up your fucking hand". Thats what you want out of a date huh? Not even a glimmer of hope from the girl. Just a flat black and white NOPE!.. the nice thing is is that it avoids the wondering and the mystery. sad thing is you miss the dignity or people not knowing. When she shouts at you in a bar... thats a sign.

One of the guys in the audience tonight had a zip up hoody that when done all the way up made him look like a storm trooper from star wars. I will be honest and say that I am a star wars nerd, but more in a... quiet non-nerdy way. I had my phase when i was in my teens and now I just mostly enjoy it in a nostalgic way. Seems like as of late its been popping up all over the place.

At this current time in the world of Toronto there are issues as to new and upgraded transit systems. Currently the city of Toronto had purchased $750 million worth of new transit rail shuttles from bombardier to be in place for light rail service in the city and to and from the airport. This is to be in place for the 2015 Pan Am Games. People are up in arms over many issues with this. The money, the time, change! etc etc. Many things. One thing I notice is that people seem to hate the streetcar and subway service. Perhaps its because in the morning the streetcars done run faster and so missing 2 or 3 in a row because of how busy they are isnt a rare occurrence. (One light rail car is the same as 3 streetcars) Or perhaps its because the subway smells like pee. Its strange how we dont support land marks and stores and when they are threatened to be taken away from us we will fight to the death. Out of sight, out of mind is normally how things go for people. I say in with the new. Why not! Toronto has just elected a new mayor. And when I say Toronto I mean the whole greater Toronto area has elected a new mayor. Sadly it seems that nobody in the actual city of Toronto voted for him. Could be because he hates Gays, Bicycles, and ethnics... WHO KNOWS?

So I am exhausted from my day of doing nothing so I think I shall close my eyes and drift off to dream land. Before I will go I will mention that my new place is about 3 blocks from the amazing LOW FAT frozen yogurt place I spoke of a few weeks back… It has been suggested that I held out until late in the game to accept a place in the hopes that I would land one close to ice cream Mecca… I just want to say to those who think that… Shut up! Have you been there? ITS AMAZING!... and NO! of course not! No! Never…



Mike D

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